We invite you to buy shares and become a Member of the North Arran Community Benefit Society Ltd. You will be investing in this exciting community enterprise managed by and for its members to ensure the revival and survival of the Community. NACBS is run by its members, who propose how the funds of the society are spent. They can also stand for committee, propose and elect the Committee members.

Community Shares are a form of share capital unique to Co-operative and Community Benefit Society legislation.

A Community Share can only be bought by individuals who are resident in the community area postcodes of the NACBS and who are on the electoral register for the area. A Community Share can be bought for £1. This share is not transferable but is withdrawable in exchange for £1. The share carries no right to interest. In addition, in year two onwards there may be a small annual charge of £1 enabling the register of Community members to be kept up to date. A community shareholder has one vote at NACBS meetings.

Anyone (minimum age 16) can buy Contributor Shares. Contributors, who are not Community Members, can be members by acquiring a minimum of ten £25 shares. These shares are not transferable but can be withdrawn at face value and at the discretion of the Board having regard to the financial position of the society and any outstanding notice of other withdrawals. A Contributor Member has one vote at NACBS meetings but cannot vote on certain resolutions as laid out in the NACBS rules such as those pertaining to rule changes relating to Community Members and key decisions including any decision to convert, merge or transfer the society’s business, Community Members alone may vote.

For more information, please download the Share Prospectus below –



Alternatively the shares application form can be downloaded below if you wish to complete offline. You can then scan and return a copy to Secretary@NACBS.co.uk or return it to: The Secretary, NACBS, Lochranza Centre CIC, Isle of Arran. KA27 8HL


To buy shares and become a member of North Arran Community Benefit Society ltd,  please complete the online form below or download a membership form, complete and return it to:

The Secretary, NACBS, Lochranza Centre CIC,Isle of Arran. KA278HL
Or you can print scan and return a copy via email to Secretary@NACBS.co.uk

  • Note that if downloading the form to apply, both pages of the printed form should be completed. Each individual, family member or organisation must complete a separate form.

Application to purchase shares

Section A: Community Membership (for residents on the area electoral register only)

I wish to apply for 1 Community Member share @£1in the North Arran Community Benefit Society Ltd.

I understand these shares are non-transferrable.


Section B Contributor Shares (open to all persons over 16 years old)

(These shares are non-transferrable)

I wish to apply for shares in the North Arran Community Benefit Society @ £25 per share.

For Companies only

I am a company and wish the following person to be my representative:

For All Contributor Investors (individuals and organisations)

The Share offer is to remain open until the target of £110,000 is reached.

Minimum: £0, maximum £20,000 for Community Members.
Minimum: £250, maximum £20,000 for other members.

Details of how to pay

Account name: North Arran Community Benefit
Society Ltd
Bank name:Bank of Scotland
Sort code: 80 22 60
Account number: 23446362

1. Online bank transfer
2. Cheque payable to North Arran Community Benefit Society Ltd.

Mail to: The Secretary
Lochranza Centre
Lochranza KA278HL

For online bank transfers please use a reference generated as follows. This will help us to identify your payment:
First character of first name(e.g. M for Mary)
First 3characters of surname(SMI for Smith)
Day and month of birth in 2-digitf orm (e.g. 0105for 1st May)

This example would generate the reference: M S M / 0 10 5

I have read and understood the share offer document.
I understand that purchasing shares makes me a member of North Arran Community Benefit Society Ltd.
I understand that this is a long-term investment and that I could lose part or the whole value of my
investment. Shares are only withdrawable at the discretion of the committee if the Society can afford it.
I agree that North ArranCommunityBenefitSociety may communicate with me electronically, by email and via its website, by post and by phone.
I hereby confirm that all details on this form are correct to the best of my knowledge.
I confirm that North Arran CommunityBenefit Society may hold the personal data I have submitted in this application in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation.

Confirmation of receipt of the Application and Payment and Share Certificates will be provided via email (or by post if you have no email address.)

Data Protection Policy: The data provided by you on this form will be stored on a computerised database. Your data will only ever be used for North Arran Community Benefit Society Ltd purposes and will never be shared with a third party.


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