Hi all, our bank has informed us that they are unable to accept cheques written out to NACBS as payee and have to be written in full i.e.: North Arran Community Benefit Society Ltd. We are in process of trying to change the website accordingly but this may take some time.
Meanwhile, if you do wish to buy shares, (the share offer is still open), and wish to do so by cheque please would you make them out to the North Arran Community Benefit Society Ltd.
If you have already sent a cheque, have no fear. If the bank has rejected it, our Secretary will get in touch with you provided that you have also completed the Application Form. If you have not completed a form yet and therefore, we have no knowledge of how to contact you, please contact us at secretary@NACBS.co.UK.
We do apologise for this inconvenience and wish you a Happy New Year.